Locale files

The locale files can contain the localizable resources of controls. A locale file is a standard JSON file and has .json extension. The default name is default.json, but it can have any name. The name of the default locale file can be set in the configuration. The locale files belong to the /components. By nature the locale files are located in the language directories.

The following example shows an English locale file with the resources required by the engine (in case of using predefined controls and search functionality):

  "title": "[md-site-engine]",
  "keywords": "markdown, md-site-engine",
  "searchHint": "Search for...",
  "noSearchPhrase": "There is nothing to search.",
  "noSearchResult": "Search has not found matching content."

The locale values are available by the translate( key, defaultValue ) or t( key, defaultValue ) functions of the controls' context using the keys of the locales:

function control( ctx ) {
 // ...
 var title = ctx.translate( 'title', 'The Beauty of the World' );
 var msg = ctx.t( 'noSearchResult' );
 // ...

If the name of the locale file is tiger.json, i.e. not the default name, the locale values can be accessed by adding the filename without the extension to the key:

function control( ctx ) {
 // ...
 var title = ctx.translate( 'tiger.title' );
 var msg = ctx.t( 'tiger.noSearchResult' );
 // ...

The locale files can be placed in subdirectories as well. In that case the values of the 'rivers/default.json' files can be gotten using the directory name:

function control( ctx ) {
 // ...
 var title = ctx.translate( 'rivers.title' );
 var msg = ctx.t( 'rivers.noSearchResult' );
 // ...

Finally using the 'rivers/nile.json' locale file the values can be taken with both the directory name and the filename:

function control( ctx ) {
 // ...
 var title = ctx.translate( 'rivers.nile.title' );
 var msg = ctx.t( 'rivers.nile.noSearchResult' );
 // ...

Caution! Using both tiger.json and tiger/default.json locale files, the values are overwritten by each other if the files has matching keys!