Configuration options

At start up the md-site-engine requires a JSON object that holds options. A typical start up can look like that:

var engine = require( 'md-site-engine' );

// Determine run mode.
var mode = process.env.PORT || 'development';

// Get the configuration.
var configPath = 'config/' + mode + '.json';
var config = engine.getConfiguration( configPath );

// Set up the content manager.
engine.getContents( config );

The configuration object has the following properties:

The default values are only set when the getConfiguration method of the engine is used.


Type: string Default value: 'en'

The first request of an user uses the default locale.


Type: string Default value: 'contents'

The default path of the contents related to the application root.


Type: string Default value: 'components'

The default path of the components related to the application root.


Type: string Default value: 'controls'

The default path of the controls related to the application root.


Type: string Default value: 'public'

The default path of the public assets related to the application root. Typically client scripts, style sheets, images, fonts and other downloadable files are here.


Type: string Default value: 'document.html'

The name of the default document file.


Type: string Default value: 'layout.html'

The name of the default layout file.


Type: string Default value: 'reference.txt'

The name of the reference files.


Type: string Default value: 'default.json'

The name of the default locale file.

Type: string Default value: '__submenu.txt'

The name of the definition files of menu nodes. The file describes the properties of a subdirectory in a language directory.


Type: string Default value: 'layout'

The name of the layout segment in document files.


Type: string Default value: 'content'

The name of the content segment in layout files.


Type: Boolean Default value: true

If true the search field is displayed in the navigation bar, otherwise not.


Type: string Default value: ''

The path of a JavaScript file that exports a custom markdown renderer.

Session default values

The language handling requires sessions. The configuration objects provides a default session object to speed up the development of the application when express-session module is used for session handling. For more options see the module description.


Type: string Default value: 'md-site-engine'

This is the secret used to sign the session ID cookie.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Forces the session to be saved back to the session store, even if the session was never modified during the request.


Type: Boolean Default value: true

Forces a session that is uninitialized to be saved to the store. A session is uninitialized when it is new but not modified.

Redis default values

The configuration objects provides a default redis object to speed up the development of the application when connect-redis module is used for session store. For more options see the module description.

Type: string Default value: 'localhost'

This is the hostname of the Redis server.


Type: number Default value: 6379

This is the port of the Redis server.


Type: number Default value: 0

This is the database index to use. Defaults to Redis's default.


Type: string Default value: undefined

This is the password for Redis authentication.

Default names of languages

The bootstrap-navbar control displays a drop-down list of available languages. If the control finds a locale object property on the configuration objects, it tries to find properties named as the locale codes on it to display native names of the languages; otherwise it uses the locale codes.


Type: string Default value: undefined

This is the native name of the language code. An example:

    "locale": {
        "en": "English",
        "hu": "magyar",
        "ru": "русский"

Default route paths

The module uses some predefined route paths to implement some action. The configuration object provides a default paths object to overwrite these paths if necessary.


Type: string Default value: '/404'

This is the path of the page that is displayed when a requested resource is unavailable.


Type: string Default value: '/set-language'

This is the path invoked when a language change is requested.


Type: string Default value: '/reboot'

This is the path to be invoked to restart the engine.

Type: string Default value: '/search'

This is the path invoked when a content search is initiated.


Type: string Default value: '/r&d'

This is the path to be invoked to display the processed resources used by the engine. Tha path is available in development environment only.

Default design paths of developer pages

The development helper pages require some predefined external resources. The develop object of the configuration object makes possible to overwrite these paths if necessary.


Type: string Default value: '//'

This is the path of the Bootstrap style on the development pages.


Type: string Default value: '//'

This is the path of the style of the highlight.js code highlighter on the development pages.


Type: string Default value: '//'

This is the path of the jQuery library on the development pages.


Type: string Default value: '//'

This is the path of the Bootstrap script on the development pages.


Type: string Default value: '//'

This is the path of the highlight.js script of the code highlighter on the development pages.