Using languages

The used languages in an application are determined by the direct subdirectories of the /contents directory. The directory names usually are ISO 639-1 codes:


To include language variants the directory names can follow the IETF BCP 47:


The directory structure of the /components has to mirror the one of the /contents!

Different types of site can be built depending on the contents of the language directories:

Multiple language site

The language directories have the same contents even if with localized names:

            nyitó (id: "/home" )
       (id: "/products/index" )

In that case when a user changes language, the same page is displayed in the new language.

Virtually multiple sites

The language directories have different contents. For example a company present in more countries provides distinct information depending on the language:


The presented site (content) is determined by the languages accepted by the browser of the user. The user when changes language is redirected to the home page in the new language.

Multiple contents in the same language

It is not mandatory that the directory names identify languages or language directories contain files in different languages. For example this documentation site has the following base structure:


On this site the user changes version number instead of language.

If the name of the language directory ends with -- (e.g. /0.9--) then this directory will be skipped!