Application structure

A typical md-site-engine application - that uses the default configuration - has the following directory structure:


The directories contain (at least) the following files:


This is the root directory of the application.It is the place the start up script, e.g. server.js, and the package.json file that holds Node.js and npm metadata relevant to the project.


The place of the language independent components: document, layout, segment and reference files.


The place of the language specific components: document, layout, segment and reference files, furthermore the locale files.


This directory contains the configuration(s), and optionally the custom renderer, however, the latter one can be anywhere.


This directory contains no files.


The place of the content files (markdown and HTML as well), and the eventual __submenu.txt files.


The place of the control files, i.e. JavaScript files.


The Node.js modules used by the application can be found here. The directory is managed by the npm package manager.


A practical place for the client side files that are public to the world. It is configured in the server.js, and it can be anywhere, but should be separated from the rest of the application. For example this is the place of the favicon.ico and other icons. The script and style sheet files, the images and fonts are usually stored in separate subdirectories, however, that is totally optional.

The allowed file extensions by areas

The components directory:

Area reference document layout segment locale
/component .txt .html .html .md, .html
/component/language .txt .html .html .md, .html .json
/component/language/sub .html .html .md, .html .json

The other directories:

Area content control config renderer
/contents/language .md, .html, .txt
/contents/language/sub .md, .html, txt
/controls .js
/config .json .js