Special files

There are some special files in the /contents directory.

A subdirectory in the /contents directory can represent a menu node in the menu tree. The properties of the menu node can be set by a special file named __submenu.txt placed in the mentioned subdirectory. The file contains metadata only. The metadata has the menu system properties only:

<!-- ======================================================================
--- Menu system
order:          123
text:           Menu item
hidden:         false
umbel:          false
======================================================================= -->

A menu separator is defined by a very similar file with the exception that it is an empty markdown or HTML file:

<!-- ======================================================================
--- Menu system
order:          99
text:           ---
hidden:         false
umbel:          false
======================================================================= -->

URL rewrite file

URL rewrite can be set in a similar markdown or HTML file. Next to the menu properties you need the add the rewrite property with the new path:

<!-- ======================================================================
--- Menu system
order:          1
text:           Replaced content
hidden:         false
umbel:          false
--- Page properties
rewrite:        /new-path
======================================================================= -->